Structural Moisture
Wood Moisture
Surface Temperature
Material Temperature


MultiCombiRef.Nr. 30011300

Multi-purpose measuring device for structural moisture, wood moisture and temperature



The BL E unit is a multi-purpose measuring device for structural moisture, wood moisture and temperature.

In case of building materials (e.g. screeds, mortar, renders, concrete, brick and insulating materials) all electrodes based on the resistance measuring principle can be connected. In this way, accurate moisture profiles and depth measurements of the affected areas can be carried out.
The meter features preset characteristic curves for several building materials - measured values will be displayed directly (weight-% or CM-%).

In addition, a capacitive structural moisture probe can be connected. This enables non-destructive measurement and moisture testing in ceilings, walls, floors and other building materials.

Wood moisture is also measured using the resistance principle of measurement. Thus, precision measurements of sawn timber (up to 180 mm in thickness), chipboard and veneers are possible. All common types of wood can be measured.

In addition to surface temperatures, material temperatures can be measured (on a Pt100 basis).

Particularly suited for painting, interior fitting, parquet reclining contractors, wood-processing companies, construction companies, architectes and residential building construction companies.

Measuring ranges

Resistance-based measuring
Resistance-based measuring
Measuring ranges
0.1 to 42.2 wt.-%
0.1 to 9.6 CM-%
Insulating material
0.7 to 60 wt.-%
Resistance-based scanning range
2.3 to 87 digits
Suitable electrodes & probes
12 Measuring instruments compatible2 Usecases
M 20
6 Measuring instruments compatible
M 6
Carrier system: M 20
12 Measuring instruments compatible2 Usecases
M 20-OF 15
6 Measuring instruments compatible
M 21-100
6 Measuring instruments compatible
M 21-250
6 Measuring instruments compatible2 Usecases
M 25-100
6 Measuring instruments compatible2 Usecases
M 25-300
Carrier system: M 6
6 Measuring instruments compatible2 Usecases
M 6-Bi 200
Carrier system: M 6
6 Measuring instruments compatible2 Usecases
M 6-Bi 300
Carrier system: M 20, M 6
6 Measuring instruments compatible2 Usecases
M 20-Bi 200
Carrier system: M 20, M 6
6 Measuring instruments compatible2 Usecases
M 20-Bi 300
Carrier system: M 6, M 20
6 Measuring instruments compatible
M 6-150
Carrier system: M 6, M 20
6 Measuring instruments compatible
M 6-250
Capacitive measuring
Capacitive measuring
Measuring ranges
0 to 200 digits
Suitable electrodes & probes
3 Measuring instruments compatible2 Usecases
B 55 BL
Resistance-based measuring
Resistance-based measuring
Measuring ranges
5.5 to 58 % (dry mass)
Suitable electrodes & probes
11 Measuring instruments compatible
M 18
12 Measuring instruments compatible2 Usecases
M 20
Carrier system: M 20
12 Measuring instruments compatible2 Usecases
M 20-OF 15
Carrier system: M 20
11 Measuring instruments compatible
M 20-DS 16
Carrier system: M 20
11 Measuring instruments compatible
M 20-HW 200
Carrier system: M 20
11 Measuring instruments compatible
M 20-HW 300
Measuring ranges
-50 to 250 °C
Suitable electrodes & probes
3 Measuring instruments compatible
OT 100 BL
Measuring ranges
-50 to 350 °C
Suitable electrodes & probes
4 Measuring instruments compatible
ET 10 BL
  • sensor pipe: 100 mm length
  • up to 250 °C
3 Measuring instruments compatible
TT 40 BL
  • sensor pipe: 380 mm length
  • up to 350 °C


  • Handy moisture measuring meter for fast single and series measurements with high-quality measuring amplifier
  • For resistance-based measurements: Direct display of moisture values in weight-% for wood and in weight-% CM-% for building materials, resolution: 0.1%
  • For capacitive measurements: scan mode (1 - 200 digits)
  • Wood moisture measurement: characteristic groups 2 and 3 are included in the meter, based on the 4-level wood species correction
  • Precise measurement of surface and material temperature by Pt100 sensors in four-wire sensing
  • Min, Max and Hold functions for measured values
  • Storage of the 5 most recent measured values
  • Optional: 5 customer-specific characteristic curves may be programmed in factory
  • Power supply: a 9-volt battery is included
Length0.175 m0.574 ft (0.175 m)
Width0.05 m0.164 ft (0.05 m)
Height0.03 m0.098 ft (0.03 m)
Weight0.16 kg0.353 lb (0.16 kg)


The meaning of the icons

A filled icon = Measuring task is supported by the instrument unit - the respective accessories are included in the package.

A half filled icon = Measuring task is supported by the instrument unit - but this package does not include the respective accessories. This means you can expand the scope of use cases at any time by purchasing additional electrodes & probes.

A transparent icon = Measuring task is not supported by the instrument unit.


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