Package contents
Measuring ranges
- sensor pipe: 100 mm length
- up to 250 °C
- sensor pipe: 120 mm length
- up to 300 °C
- Connection cable: 10 m length
- up to 120 °C
- Connection cable: 2 m length
- up to 120 °C
- Connection cable: 20 m length
- up to 120 °C
- Connection cable: 30 m length
- up to 120 °C
- Connection cable: 5 m length
- up to 120 °C
- sensor pipe: 230 mm length
- up to 350 °C
- sensor pipe: 480 mm length
- up to 350 °C
- sensor pipe: 480 mm length
- up to 600 °C
- sensor pipe: 600 mm length
- up to 600 °C
The meaning of the icons
A filled icon = Measuring task is supported by the instrument unit - the respective accessories are included in the package.
A half filled icon = Measuring task is supported by the instrument unit - but this package does not include the respective accessories. This means you can expand the scope of use cases at any time by purchasing additional electrodes & probes.
A transparent icon = Measuring task is not supported by the instrument unit.
Das Set enthält das Einsteck-Elektrodenpaar M 6 zur widerstandsbasierten Feuchtemessung von verschiedenen harten und weichen Baustoffen. Dieses dient auch als Trägersystem für viele weitere Elektrodenpaare. Ebenso enthalten ist die kapazitive Baufeuchte-Elektrode B 50 für zerstörungsfreie Messungen in Baustoffen.
Die Hydromette UNI 2 ist ein Mehrzweck-Messgerät zur Erfassung von Baufeuchte, Luftfeuchte und Temperatur. Verglichen mit der UNI 1 bietet es erweiterte Möglichkeiten bei der Baufeuchtemessung und eignet sich deshalb (besonders) für Maler, Innenausbauer, Parkettverleger, Bautrocknungsfirmen, Bauträger, Architekten und Wohnbauunternehmen.
Elektroden und Messgerät werden zusammen mit dem notwendigen Messkabel im praktischen Bereitschaftskoffer ausgeliefert.
Non-destructive measurement of structural moisture using the ball electrode
Measuring moisture with the ball sensor in the wall, ceiling or floor
This set includes the M 6 stick-in probe pair for resistance-based moisture measurement of various hard and soft building materials. The M 6 also serve as a carrier system for many other probe pairs. Also included is the B 50 capacitive building moisture probe for non-destructive measurement in building materials.
The Hydromette UNI 2 is a multi-purpose device for measuring building moisture, humidity and temperature. In comparison to the UNI 1, it offers extended possibilities for building moisture measurement and is therefore (particularly) suitable for painters, interior fitters, parquet installers, construction drying companies, property developers, architects and residential construction companies.
The probes and the measuring device are supplied in a convenient carrying case, together with the measuring cable required for operation.